Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

Lama tak menulis apa-apa di sini... menulis review novel apatah lagi, kan... tak membaca apa-apa langsung dah selepas novel terakhir... novel apa ek? Oh ya, novel dari karya kakak kesayangan (gitu!), Dhiya Zafira, Tertulis Buat Kita... sesiapa yang belum membacanya, silalah cuba, try, test, give it a shoot... best!

Lepas itu adalah baca tulisan Nicholas Spark tapi macam busy je, macam sibuk je... erhmm, sibuk sangat hidup saya, bencilah dengan hidup student ni... (sila baca dalam nada Syasha! Haha!) terus tak habis baca novel yang bertajuk The Notebook itu...
Okeylah, bukan nak bebel benda itu, itu mukadimah aka pembuka karutan... motif penulis hari ini ialah menulis review novel Lynn Dayana – Cinta Pencuri Mimpi (CPM).

Cinta Pencuri Mimpi? Mimpi itu dicuri oleh seorang pencuri yang jatuh cinta ke? Atau ‘mimpi’ itu adalah sejenis objek fizikal yang boleh dicuri-curi seperti mencuri gula-gula getah di kedai mamak? Saya jadi konfius... macam pelik je, macam hairan je... suka dengan tajuk novel ni!

Emil: Jahn, can you just knock it off with this whole ‘Syasha’ thing?!
Jahn: No, I like her! I adore her... mata dia chantet!

Okeylah, sambung review... ini adalah novel kedua tulisan Lynn Dayana yang saya baca... I know that she’s lots of novels already but this is the second one... I do thought to give all the others a try but saya seorang student yang dintis (miskin), so... slow-slow... haha...

Emil: Kata nak sambung, mengarut lagi buat apa...
Jahn: Ok, sambunglah ni...

Overall, premis ceritanya quite ok, so saya bagi 3.5... Like I said earlier, I don’t read much so, I can’t argue over originality. I’m sure every writer knows how to generate originality in many forms. So, it’s not fair for me to say things about originality sedangkan saya sendiri tak baca banyak lagi novel lain dekat pasaran itu.

Emil: Jahn believes that he needs to be selective, not all novels in the market he needs to read... or buy, he reads a lot from others but doesn’t keen enough to wrote reviews. Some of it doesn’t even worth a suggestion to promote...

More about the premise of the fiction, I do think it is a very positive and of a thoughtful piece. Some writers may just write what people wants to read rather than what people should and suppose to read in order for them to learn something. For me, this is crucial, this is very important. Semua yang berkuasa terhadap sesuatu perlu menggunakan kuasa itu untuk mendidik orang lain yang... mungkin bukannya tidak arif, tetapi kadang-kala tersasar sedikit. Meminjam sedikit idea yang dikongsi oleh Lynn Dayana di dalam CPM, hidup manusia ini patut jadi macam semut yang berjalan balik ke sarangnya... akan ada masanya dalam perjalanan itu ada halangan, jadi mereka kena amik satu selekoh... tapi semut-semut ini semua tahu arah tuju mereka. Mereka tak tersasar, mereka tahu jalan pulang. Haa... gitu! Tapi yelah, manusia ni makhluk yang lemah, naïf, penuh khilaf, kan... jadi kita perlukan didikan or at least something to help us  not to get diverted too much from our path... sebab itu kita ada UAI, Semanis Kurma, TV Al-Hijrah, etc... dan pada saya, penulis karya fiksyen pun ada tanggungjawab yang biarpun nampak kecil tapi... mereka membantu. Perlu, wajib membantu.

And Lynn Dayana, for me, from my earnest attention, does have that responsibility constituted in CPM. On that account I must say, congrats, DEAR SISTAH!

Narrative, sequence of events in this story... the one thing that I ultimately feel was great is the manipulative prologue... after that prologue, the writer starts off with the leading male protagonist... I get the thought of that baby which has been given to someone else at first was Zahier Arshad. At first, but I changed it to Liz pulak sebab, I don’t want to be predictable. Then I got slapped given the fact that Liz died... okay, that baby wouldn’t be her... but, I stayed with the wage it’s not gonna be Zahier... too predictable!

CPM is no thriller kinda stuffs that I personally like in a Malay novel. So, I have no big expectation about the thriller part in the novel but still, it would suck if element of surprise is missing... given the fact that I read Lynn Dayana’s previous work Cinta Untuk Disewa (CUD), she should have the element going on.

But I didn’t think she’d be all that GOOD!

I’m like Oh My God! She is very good with all that manipulative thingy over who is adopted and who is not!

Emil: Gunakanlah bahasa kebangsaan kita, marilah amalkan ramai-ramai! Lalala~
Jahn: Nakkk harooommmm!

Jadi, semua tentang hint yang Kak Ros ada anak kembar, sepatutnya Kak Ros dan Airis ada seorang lagi adik tu... and Faizal, cakap nama Airis dan Zahier is both ZA, ada jodoh sebab muka ada iras... has got me menyumpah fak, fak, fak, fak, fak, fak dah!

Well, bukannya saya tak menjangka yang penulis akan buat Zahier dan Airis live happily ever after and mereka bukan adik beradik... tapi apa yang bestnya adalah, the minute she had me thinking like that, she got me all wrong, in every way possible! And I thought to myself, WOW! Salute! And element of surprise... 4.5 stars! (I learned that lecturers don’t give student full marks, even when they deserve it! Hahaha..!)

Characters – pada saya berkembang dengan baik, and for me it’s Zahier-biased for the 1st half and the way other for Airis on the later part. Sejujurnya, saya lebih menyukai part Zahier. Dekat situ, lebih banyak pengajarannya daripada segi keagamaan. I liked it. Part Airis lebih kepada masalah jiwa raga... which is okay... but, it’s just okay... susah nak describe... karekter pembantu especially Taufik, Kak Ros, Muaz, Hana dan Maiza digarap dengan baik.

I like the bromance between Zahier and Taufik... I hoped it would be a little more of that... I don’t know what other readers might think but, I think bromance is cute... saya cadangkan Kak Lynn buat cerita yang lebih banyak bromance di masa akan datang... come on, bromance is sweet okay, it’s nothing gay at all!

Hana dan Maiza... character-wise, mereka okey... I even have that feeling of they’re like ‘devil’ and ‘angel’ to Airis. While Hana said, stay away from Zahier... Maiza was like, go get ‘em tiger! And while Hana was against the idea of Z-A-Z-A, Maiza said mungkin apa yang Airis lihat pada Zahier itu cuma sekadar pada zahirnya sahaja.

Apa yang buat saya konfius mungkin hanyalah masalah Maiza dengan familinya... macam, it was put there to serve too little purpose... yang hanya nak buat plot untuk Airis nampak macam mana sebenarnya Zahier but at the end masalah Maiza tetap tak setel. Hmm, and then I think about it again, memang ada masalah yang takkan selesai pun... mungkin penulis mahu menarik pembaca balik ke reality, tak semua masalah akan selesai, even if they will, it will not be in a swift and easy..., kan? But that is just my personal opinion. Selagi tak mengganggu naratif okey-okey je...

Khalid... inilah contoh manusia yang luar nampak baik tapi dalam baik-baik tu, dialah paling buruk perangainya, okey, he’s right, dia mampu, dia tak salah sebab dia jatuh cinta, you know what they say, everything is fair in war and love, kan tapi agak-agaklah orang dah kahwin pun still nak jugak, he’s just a wee-bit obsessive over Airis, and when does obsession ever be love?! Apa yang bengap sangat mamat tu sebenarnya. Emosi tau saya...

Mak uda dan Fuad... ini lagi menyirappp kuasa tiga belas! Padanlah mak uda itu suka sangat tengok sinetron! Terpengaruh lah tu... Fuad tu pulak, kan... I got a friend, he’s in a same situation like Fuad, balik-balik Malaysia dalam keadaan macam itu... bila saya dengar dia cerita dia dah accumulate RM 400k of debts dengan JPA... saya macam kesian je... but he didn’t take that as a negative thing, he even sambung study semula dalam negara sebab dia nak redeem himself... tapi kalau dah penuh sangat negativiti dalam diri, jadilah macam si Fuad ni... janganlah kita jadi macam itu...Amin...

Macam dah panjang je review mengarut ni, kan... so, bottom line... naskah ini is not even bad. It’s quite good actually...

Oh, yeah... one thing jelah if I want to say about what I don’t like about this piece, I have to be honest... one third of the beginning of the novel, too many spelling errors. Macam tak ada orang yang reviewed, proof read and/or edited the manuscript je... I really don’t know HOW Alaf 21 run things there but, come on, you’re a BIG publishing company... your line of publications are endless, takkanlah takde orang yang boleh buat kerja proof-reading dekat situ. To be truthfully honest, I’m at the edge of disappointment, dissatisfied if I may extend. Pleaselah, proof-read next time, masalah ni bukan masalah CPM je... a lot of other novels pun had this problem.

But disebabkan novel ini BEST, saya pejamkan jelah mata and bergantung kepada storyline, overall saya bagi 4 stars... so people... go and get the novel... and read...!

Emil: Adalagi yang aku susah nak faham, the epilog tu berlaku lama selepas last chapter, kan... macam susah je timeline dia...
Jahn: Tak mengganggu naratif dah, tak payah nak kesah sangat! Oh ya, biasa aku kan mesti kena bayangkan watak-watak, kan... ni lah mereka yang aku bayangkan semasa membaca...

Zul Ariffin as Zahier Arshad (percayalah bahawasanya mamat ini adalah Junior (READ THAT 'JUNIOR', walaupun dia lagi tua dari saya!) saya dulu, masa di UiTM Melaka...), why him..? just look at that guy... he pretty much have everything... this is just my opinion, he got the looks, the build, what more... he even has the persona... 

Izara Aishah as Zara Airis, tau gambar ni dia tak pakai tudung tapi jika dia berlakon pakai tudung, tak ke cantik wajah beliau...

Kamal Adli as Taufik, si Taufik tu kan kadang-kadang macam sengal je, macam mereng je, kan... sama lah ni... in a good way...

Anzalna as Lili, walaupun sekarang dia banyak berlakon baik-baik je... tapi she's that persona... that's a compliment, okay... she's an actress...

p/s – nak baca ‘Magis’ pulak lepas ni...!


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