Empirical study about Coffee lemak berkrim disukai ramai!
Sedikit Sejarah Tentang Kopi
Menurut sejarah (atau lagenda), seorang gembala Arab bernama Kaldı/ Kadir/ Sheik Abd-al-Kadir mencari kambing-kambingnya menari gembira di sekitar semak berdaun hijau tua dengan ceri merah terang di hujung selatan Semenanjung Arab.
Kadir mendapati bahawa ceri merah terang di semak itu menyebabkan euforia (a feeling of great happiness or well-being) yang aneh dan selepas mencuba ceri itu sendiri, dia mengetahui pengaruh kuat tumbuhan itu. Kesan merangsang kemudian dieksploitasi oleh biarawan di sebuah biara tempatan untuk tetap terjaga untuk melakukan ibadat (sangat, kan!) dan ia kemudiannya diedarkan ke biara-biara lain di seluruh dunia (vallllah, kopi pun lahir).
Walaupun merujuk kepada daya tarikan seperti legenda tersebut, bukti botanikal yang terbaru (like baru jugaklah) menunjukkan origin biji kopi adalah berlainan dan berbeza-beza. Bukti ini menunjukkan bahawa sejarah biji kopi di dataran tinggi Habsyah tengah dan telah dibawa ke Yaman di mana ia ditanamkan sejak abad ke-6. Selepas pengenalan rumah-rumah kopi pertama di Kaherah dan Mekah, kopi menjadi keghairahan, bukan hanya sekadar stimulan.
Tentang Caffeine
Kafein adalah zat pahit yang ditemui dalam kopi, teh, minuman ringan, coklat, kola nuts, dan ubat-ubatan tertentu. Caffeine mempunyai banyak kesan pada metabolisme tubuh, termasuklah merangsang sistem saraf pusat. Hal ini dapat membuat anda lebih waspada dan memberikan dorongan tenaga.
Bagi kebanyakan orang, jumlah kafein dalam dua hingga empat cawan kopi sehari tidak berbahaya. Namun, terlalu banyak kafein boleh membuat anda gelisah, cemas,dan mudah tersinggung(omaigot, is this the reason why aku cepat sentap?). Hal ini juga boleh membuat anda dari tidur dengan baik dan menyebabkan sakit kepala, heartbeat yang abnormal, atau masalah lain. Jika anda berhenti menggunakan kafein, anda boleh mendapatkan gejala pengeluaran (gejala yang berlaku berkaitan dengan penamatan penggunaan ubat di mana seseorang telah menjadi bergantung secara fizikal).
Beberapa orang lebih sensitif terhadap kesan daripada kafein daripada yang lain. Mereka harus mengehadkan penggunaan kafein. Terutamanya, wanita hamil dan menyusui (a.k.a menetek, kan...omaigot, is this a lucah word?). Ubat-ubatan tertentu dan suplemen dapat berinteraksi dengan kafein. Jika anda mempunyai sebarang soalan mengenai apakah kafein selamat untuk anda,berbicara dengan pembekal perkhidmatan kesihatan anda (kau ingat akau tahu semua ke, hahhh, ingat aku ni doktor peribadi kau? consultant kau? emo lak aku! ahahaha!)
Kebaikan Kopi
- Caffeine increases alertness and short-term memory, and even alters your mood. The caffeine in a cup of coffee stimulates the central system as it simultaneously lowers the blood sugar and increases the brain's demand for sugar: The result is a temporary lift.
- Research in the Journal of Sports Medicine showed how caffeine taken two hours before exercise enhanced the performance of athletes in marathon running.
- A study published last year in the Journal of the American Medical Associatedreported that men who consume caffeine a day had a 40% lower risk of developing gallstones than non caffeine consumers.
- Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to 80% lower risks of developing Parkinson's disease.
- Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to 25% lower risk of colon cancer.
- Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to 80% drop in the risk of liver cirrhosis.
- Some researchers believe another compound called "trigonelline" - which gives coffee its bitter taste and its aroma - may be responsible for giving coffee both anti-adhesive and antibacterial properties which help prevent dental cavities from forming.(taken from this website)
Number 1
Cut the Risk of Heart Disease by 25% for Women
A study by Esther Lopez-Garcia of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid reported that women who drink two to three cups of coffee per day had a 25 percent lower risk of death from heart disease and a smaller decreased risk was also seen for men
Number 2
Cut the Risk of Diabetes by 60%
Coffee contains antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines which in a study to lab rats, its increased sensitivity improves the body’s response to insulin
Number 3
Cut the Risk of Dementia by 65%
A research suggested that coffee may cut the risk of dementia by blocking the damage cholesterol can inflict on the body
Number 4
Cut the Risk of Colon Cancer by 50%
A 12-year study on Japanese women found that drinking 3 or more cups of coffee per day may actually halve the risk of developing colon cancer
Number 5
Lowered Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer
In a 20-year study of 50,000 men, it shows that 6 cups of coffee per day has the lowered risk of advanced prostate cancer
Number 6
Lowered Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 65%
A study of 1,400 middle-aged Finns shows that 5 cups of coffee per day can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 65%
Number 7
Cut the Risk of Cirrhosis by 80%
A study showed out of 125,000 coffee drinkers that one cup of coffee per day cut the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver by twenty percent. Four cups per day reduced the risk by eighty percent
Number 8
Cut the Risk of Gallstones by Almost 50%
Men who drink at least 2 cups of coffee per day may reduce their risk of developing gallstones by 40 percent, and women showed a twenty-five percent lower risk of gallstone development. Those who drank more than four cups had a 45% lower risk
Number 9
Cut the Risk of Stroke by 43% for Women
A study of 83,000 nurses who have never smoked shows that 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 43%
Number 10
Cut the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease by 80%
At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s
Number 11
Lowered the Risk of Committing Suicide by 60% for Women
A 10-year study of 86,000 women shows that 2 cups of coffee per day can reduced the likelihood to commit suicide by 60%
Number 12
High Level of Antioxidants
Antioxidants help your body repair damage to cells caused by free radicals
Number 13
Keep You Awake and Alert
Coffee can boost concentration and therefore makes you more alert and awake
Number 14
Protect You from Cold
Caffeine acts as decongestant as it opens narrowed bronchial tubes
Number 15
Asthma Relief
Manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable
Number 16
Headache Relief
Caffeine is often use as a medicine to treat headaches, especially migraine and cluster headaches
Number 17
Pain Relief
Two cups of brewed coffee may reduce post-exercise muscle pain by up to forty-eight percent. In fact, a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine, have shown that adding about 65 milligrams of caffeine to aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen increases pain relief by around 40 percent
Number 18
Boost Mood
Moderate intake of caffeine boosts energy and cuts depression, thanks to dopamine
Number 19
Boost Athleticism
Caffeine in coffee is a powerful aid in enhancing athletic endurance and performance. So powerful, caffeine in coffee or other forms was deemed a “controlled” substance by the Olympic Games Committee
Number 20
Prevent Dental Cavities
A compound called Trigonelline, which gives coffee its aroma and bitter taste, have both antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties to help prevent dental cavities from forming
(taken from this website)
Keburukan Kopi
- Caffeine consumption may lead to insomnia.
- Drinking coffee with meals in known to inhibit the absorption of iron and calcium from food.
- Caffeine also has a diuretic effect and just one cup before exercise will trigger unwanted fluid loss.
- Within half an hour of drinking one or two cups, the flow of the blood to the brain is reduced by 10% to 20%. Combine that with the low blood sugar, in those who haven't eaten for a while, and you can start having pulpitations, feelings of anxiety or blurred vision.
- Withdrawal symptoms can occur after regular consumption of just one-to-two cups a day. Caffeinism, as it is sometimes called, shows up as migraine headaches and sickness.
- Drinking several cups of coffee a day increase one's susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis. Scientists found a stong link between coffee and a biochemical marker for the disease and showed that people who drink four cups are twice as likely to test positive for arthritis.
- In excessive amounts, meaning more than whatever an individual's body can tolerate, coffee can cause nervousness, jitters, and rapid heartbeat.
(taken from this website)
1. Adrenal Exhaustion
Coffee addiction can lead to adrenal overload, and eventually to adrenal exhaustion. When you drink coffee, your neurons start firing in your brain. This
causes your pituitary gland to send a signal to your adrenal glands, and adrenaline is released from your adrenal gland as a result. Eventually, because of th addiction, you are drinking large quantities of coffee each day, and this will cause your adrenal glands to become overworked and exhausted, and you will feel tired even when drinking coffee.
causes your pituitary gland to send a signal to your adrenal glands, and adrenaline is released from your adrenal gland as a result. Eventually, because of th addiction, you are drinking large quantities of coffee each day, and this will cause your adrenal glands to become overworked and exhausted, and you will feel tired even when drinking coffee.
2. High Blood Sugar
People who are addicted to coffee have much higher risks for high blood sugar. When coffee is used to provide energy, you will crash after a couple of hours and normally reach for something sweet to bring you back up. In addition many of us use sugar in our coffee, or flavored sugar syrups, and this can also elevate your blood sugar. When you first start drinking coffee your blood sugar levels may actually go down, but after a short time of daily coffee consumption the opposite is true, and your blood sugar levels will go up significantly.
3. Insomnia And Abnormal Sleep Patterns
Coffee addiction can lead to disturbed sleep patterns, and even insomnia. Because caffeine addiction leads to ever increasing doses due to a tolerance being built up, your adrenal glands may produce so much adrenaline that you find yourself tossing and turning, waking frequently, or even being unable to sleep. When adrenaline is released into your system, your body goes into fight or flight mode, and complete relaxation may become completely impossible. When you are trying to cut back and wean yourself, the physical and mental cravings may have the same effect for a few weeks.
4. Natural Serotonin Reduction Leading To Depression
Coffee addiction leads to excessive adrenaline production and release from the adrenal glands. As adrenaline production increases, the neurotransmitter Serotonin is decreased in production. This neurotransmitter is responsible for preventing depression, and helping you to relax and stay calm. Coffee addiction can lead to depression and anxiety in many users, and these can be prevented by limiting or eliminating coffee and caffeine from your diet. Many people do not realize that their coffee addiction is causing these symptoms, and may spend large amounts on anti-depression and anti-anxiety medications.
5. Dehydration
One danger of coffee addiction that many do not even think about is dehydration. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a diuretic that causes your body to eliminate more water. Drinking large amounts of coffee can cause dehydration in a couple of different ways. Excessive coffee consumption causes excessive water elimination, and this can cause dehydration. In addition, coffee addicts drink this beverage in place of healthier fluids that help keep you hydrated, like water and fruit juices. Between the extra water loss caused by coffee drinking and the lack of enough other fluids you can become very dehydrated very quickly, without even realizing it.
6. Malnutrition
An addiction to coffee can cause malnutrition, if excessive amounts of this beverage are used and they dampen hunger. Many times coffee is used in large quantities all day long if you are severely addicted. This leads to cravings for sugary foods, which usually have very few nutritional benefits if any. These junk foods may cause you to gain weight while suffering from malnutrition, because your body is not getting the proper nutrition needed for optimum function.
7. Caffeine Tolerance And Withdrawals
Withdrawals can be a big danger for any caffeine addict. Over time you will build up a tolerance to caffeine, and more coffee is needed to get the same benefits as before. After a while, when you try to cut down on coffee or quit completely, you will suffer from withdrawal symptoms. These can include a headache, irritability, insomnia, and many other problems.
(from this site)
It's is no absolute good or bad in this world... (alamak aih, nak speaking lagi, copy pasting is over...boleh in Malay dah!)... okay, okay!
tak de benda yang betul-betul baik atau buruk secara mutlak, kan... so the key word here is... BERAGAK-AGAK (in English would be moderation). Dengan tahu bersederhana ni, kita dapat the benefits of coffee (caffeine) dan pada masa yang sama dapat mengekang (wah, mengekang ke mengangkang?), Emil, do not engages in a sexually-directed conversation, I'll be nasty, okay!!! (ooh...okay!)...hmm, apa kau cakap tadi...haa... beragak-agaklah...it's okay kalau nak breakfast dengan secawan kopi, janganlah kau balun 4-5 cawan tak puas-puas, kan... silalah jangan berselera binatang sangat (hahahaha!!!!)
Makan sesuatu semasa dan selepas kau minum kopi untuk mengelakkan penurunan gula dalam darah yang boleh menyebabkan pulpitations/ palpitations (A trembling or shaking or Irregular, rapid beating or pulsation of the heart), perasaan cemas atau penglihatan kabur. Jika korang yakin mempunyai ketagihan kafein, lebih baik untuk perlahan-lahan mengurangkan jumlah kafein yang anda consume kerana kalau berhenti terus, ia boleh menyebabkan sakit kepala dan macam-macam jenis sakit lagilah.
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Jahn: siapa mamat lagi sorang ni, Mil? Emil: ntah, bukan kawan kau ke? Jahn: bukan...aku pelik je ni... Emil: biarlah dia nak join... |
Jahn: No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness. ~Sheik Abd-al-Kadir.
Emil: A girl in a bikini is like having a loaded pistol on your coffee table - There's nothing wrong with them, but it's hard to stop thinking about it. ~Garrison Keillor.
Jahn: What are you talking about?!!! There're 3 subjects in your saying... a girl in a bikini, pistol, and coffee... a coffee table! which one is the main focus here?!
Emil: A girl in a bikini.
Jahn: You perverted son of a gun!
Emil: You have a problem with that?!!!
Jahn: Yes, you gotdemit!!!
Jahn dan Emil pun bertumbuk tanpa sebab atau alasan yang pasti... dari jauh mereka kelihatan seperti pasangan gay yang sedang bermesra tetapi masing-masing sudah melebam dan membengkak... gilalah!
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Jahn: seriously?... Emil: Fakyu!!!!gotdemit!!!! |
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Jahn: yang ni?... Emil: aku tumbuk kau laju-laju kejap lagi!TAT!!!! Jahn: ah...memalu plak... |
p/s - sila jangan tiru perangai hina mereka ini...;) next post will not be about gay!!!